Digital Hospitality


What To Look Out For When Evaluating a Web Design Agency

Selecting a web design agency for your next web project can be a daunting task. By breaking it down into several steps you can make the process much more manageable. In this article, we’re going to go through some steps that you can follow to find a great web design agency as well as some tips regarding what to consider along the way.

What’s Your Company’s “Cutie Mark”?

Branding through the lens of My Little Pony

How Much Should We Pay For Our Website?

Websites are notoriously hard to budget for. Any organization redesigning their site will have myriad options around what to build (Flashy or functional? Full or minimalist?), how to build it (Squarespace? Static React site? Custom Laravel super app?), and with whom (Freelancer? Agency? Internal team?).

What We Do Before We Start Designing

At Cantilever, when we kick off a project creating large new site, the first thing we do has nothing to do with pixels. Before we design a single page, we ask questions. We call this process Discovery.

Why Forcing Website Links to Open in a New Tab is a UX Antipattern

The “New Tab” Conundrum

Hiring in a Remote World

Tips and tricks from veterans of the remote work movement

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