Friendly Websites Made by Friendly People

We are designers, developers, strategists and project managers passionate about creating welcoming websites that get results. We build sites that help businesses, institutions and organizations thrive.

Cantilever team members from left to right, Jason Gorelick, Hiba Khatib, Brian Kuperman, Joelle Ridding, JT Fridsma, Andrei Scarlatescu, Rebecca Testrake, and Ryan GibbonsCantilever team members from left to right, Jason Gorelick, Hiba Khatib, Brian Kuperman, Joelle Ridding, JT Fridsma, Andrei Scarlatescu, Rebecca Testrake, and Ryan Gibbons

Our Story

We were founded in NYC in 2011 by designer/developer Ty Fujimura. Since then we’ve grown to a staff of twenty-one incredible people working from six different countries.

Our Impact

We have a triple bottom line – People, Profits, and the Planet. We measure our success not only by our paychecks but by the effect we’ve had on the world around us.

Our Expert Team

Our team consists of some of the world’s top designers, developers, strategists and project managers. We are headquartered in NYC, with staff in six countries, speaking over twenty languages!

Core Team


Our Handbook

We write down our strategies, policies, and lessons learned in our Handbook. We’ve released this all to the public so companies worldwide can learn how we run a distributed creative business doing top-level work.

Cantilever Handbook Illustartion